I envision a new world where the strength of the human spirit is so impressive that there is nothing left to do but live in blissful, creative ingenuity.  A new world where each of us helps the other to expand and flourish in life, and that there is someone like that for everyone on this planet; always a helping hand to lift one up.  A new world full of revealed knowledge of lost and new technology; to heal the body, mind and planet.  I imagine each of us really using our inner knowingness and truth, beyond the senses, and full recovery and use of all of our perceptions.  Imagine if you could feel the earth spinning and it’s orbital speed around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour?  If you could feel gravity?  Imagine if you could feel the universe around you? In this new world we live with beauty each day as our companion; compassion as our mentor, honesty as our light and ingenuity and creativity as our main purpose.  CLR